As I write on pages 61 and 62 of Coaching Business Builder, “Consistency doesn’t mean that you can’t do different things and that you have to do the same thing all the time. It is important that people see how things tie together. Consider what you’ve created when products can be developed into other projects or purposes. Part of this may be to consider how you can reduce, reuse and recycle.” I remember vividly being in grade 1 and the 3Rs – Reduce, reuse, recycle mantra was coming into play in public education. I continue to think about this as I move my own work forward, focusing on: #1 – Reduce – “Less is more”. In addition to the 80/20 rule being known as the Pareto Principle, distilling things down in group programs is also very important. In fact, for years I’ve practiced a design rule also known as the 80/20 rule, which I’m pretty sure I picked up years ago from a program with Bob Pike. In the 80/20 rule, to design we want to pull out at least 20% of our original design ideas to create more space for discussion, dialogue and reflection. In content creation, reducing may mean having shorter posts, or doing a series over the course of a week or month. What are the elements you want to distill downwards? #2 – Reuse – What can you do to reuse or REPURPOSE content? Perhaps two blog posts become an article, or an article becomes a short video. What can you do to repurpose your content? Take a look at what you have created, perhaps by looking back at your Content Trackers in Section 5 of your Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner. What do you notice about content which can be reused? #3 – Recycle – How can things be recombined to create a WHOLE NEW entity? As a program designer, I built most things in discrete modules. Like building blocks, when put together these can create a whole new spectrum depending on the combination. What is useful for you to take action on this week around content creation and the 3 R’s? All the best, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRL
Author of PlanDoTrack (2019), Coaching Business Builder (2018), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013). Pick up a copy of any of her books at Amazon. Book Jennifer for a coaching session to explore what's next for your coaching business, or group and team programming.
Content creation can be an important part of business development, marketing and visibility. Content can signal to others the areas we focus on, are passionate about, or work with clients on. Content creation can involve focusing on several different areas, including:
What type of content do you want to be creating? Ongoing content creation starts to build a body of work overtime, in step by step basis. As we write, shoot or create, our voice and message become clearer to us, and to those we serve. Note that with many of the channels you may choose to become active on, you can syndicate or share content from one channel to another. How to get started: Take 15 minutes this week making a list, or creating a MindMap, or using post-its and index cards to map out all your ideas for content. Don’t self-censure. Just make a list! From there, create a list of possible post titles for videos, or articles, and schedule in blocks to write it out. Remember, what doesn’t get scheduled, often doesn’t get done! Where to go: If you have a copy of Coaching Business Builder, take a look at section 3 – Marketing Essentials, and work through the exercises associated with the areas you are interested in. Also be sure to use the Content Planning Tools available to you in the Planner Section. You might want to use the Content Planner to lay out your Annual list of themes, and then start capturing ideas or tracking posts/items with the Monthly Content Tracker and Monthly Content Journal – One Line a Day. Let us know how you are using the Coaching Business Builder – Send a photo or two of the planner in action! Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC, CHRL
Author of PlanDoTrack (2019), Coaching Business Builder (2018), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013). Pick up a copy of any of her books at Amazon. Book Jennifer for a coaching session to explore what's next for your coaching business, or group and team programming. I often get asked “Why would I need to create content as a coach? I thought I’m not supposed to be a content expert”. So true, AND, a business owner who is likely to be creating a podcast or blog posts, or also offering other services than coaching, it’s likely that making space and time to focus on content creation can be useful. As someone who has sustained blogs for many years, I have learned how important it is to have a plan to go to, especially when writer’s block happens – and it does happen to all of us! Today’s post gets you to think about your content planning for the rest of the year. I hope that you will take a few minutes to work through these questions, and short activities. They don’t all need to happen at once. Step #1 - Take 10-15 minutes to get your ideas out of your head – what are possible post ideas? Think about what your clients have been asking for? What have been the themes you have been coaching around? Step #2 – Go back and review any past posts you have done. What hasn’t been covered yet? What ideas does this spark for you? What’s a deeper dive into topics you might have touched on? What’s a synthesis of other topics? Step #3 – Review the metrics you have around blogs. What have people enjoyed? What do the numbers say? Step #4 – Once everything is down on paper in a Mindmap or list, now think about creating a consistent schedule for posting or creating. Are you committed to posting every week? Twice a week? What about when you will schedule creating it? Most of my blog writing happens in an hour block I have on Tuesday morning, or sometimes in an hour block first thing on the weekend. Step #5 – Consider whether you want to get some help on this. Having a VA create some graphics for you and/or schedule the drafts can be of benefit, and some accountability, for getting things done. Step #6 – List it out, schedule it in, and start to execute! BONUS – Consider what you can do to repurpose A couple of the forms you may want to use from the Coaching Business Builder:
Be sure to write out your content needs as part of your Monthly To Dos. Once you have a monthly content plan in place this is easy. It also means that you have that month’s content at the forefront of your mind at all times. What tips do you have for others? Looking forward to your suggestions! Jennifer Author of PlanDoTrack (2019), Coaching Business Builder (2018), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013). Pick up a copy of any of her books at Amazon.
Book Jennifer for a coaching session to explore what's next for your coaching business, or group and team programming. Contact her by phone at (416)996-8326 One of the emerging themes I identified back in my book, From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching, was Design Thinking. While this was several years ago, Design Thinking has now exploded into business practices everywhere. As a longstanding program designer, myself, it’s been natural to be integrating many of the principles and practices of Design Thinking into my own way of doing things. In this week’s blog post, I wanted to share a little more about design thinking to get you thinking about how you might incorporate it into your program design, or conversations with clients. “Design is the action of bringing something new and desired into existence—a proactive stance that resolves or dissolves problematic situations by design. It is a compound of routine, adaptive and design expertise brought to bear on complex dynamic situations.” —Harold Nelson As we step into a new year, and new decade, what is it that you want to create? My guess is that there are probably many design opportunities for you on the horizon. Design Thinking has emerged from many areas, and is a human-centered approach to any program design. If you’ve worked with me before, you’d know my affinity to the Group Coaching Design Matrix and how it gets us thinking through WHO our client really is. CEO of IDEO, Tim Brown defines Design Thinking as: “Design thinking is a human-centered approach to innovation that draws from the designer's toolkit to integrate the needs of people, the possibilities of technology, and the requirements for business success.” — Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO Design thinking is grounded in several principles:
IBM has created what they call the Design Thinking Loop – Observing, Reflecting and Making. Design Thinking usually consists of five or six steps including:
And the cycle continues…. What’s important about thinking about your program design in this fashion? For more on this topic, check out Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton - GroupCoachingEssentials | Potentials Realized
Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder Join us for an upcoming ICF-CCE approved program including Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs), Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum (10 CCEs), or the PlanDoTrack Facilitator Training (24 CCEs). Author of Effective Group Coaching (2010), Coaching Business Builder (2018), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013). Check out my author page on Amazon for all publications. Email: [email protected] There are a few more days before we wrap up the year and I’m excited to be gearing up to get going with the 60 Day Coaching Business Builder Accelerator program on January 1st. We’ll be taking 60 days of consistent action on your business. Today’s the day we get started with the 60 Day Coaching Business Builder Accelerator. Imagine if today was day 1 of taking 60 days of consecutive action on your business. I hope you will. Here’s what some of the people joining us on the 60 Day Coaching Business Builder Accelerator are choosing to do:
Over the first 9 weeks of the year we’ll be exploring a number of focus areas including:
Click here to learn more about the program and I hope you’ll join us. One payment options, as well as three monthly payments, and 8 weekly payments are included as options. Let's make your 2020 your best year yet!!!!! Wishing you all the best, Jennifer Jennifer Britton - GroupCoachingEssentials | Potentials Realized
Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder Author of Effective Group Coaching (2010), Coaching Business Builder (2018), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013). Check out my author page on Amazon for all publications. Email: [email protected] In this month’s Group Coaching Essentials newsletter I focused on Keeping the Conversation Going with clients as you are running a group or team coaching conversation. You can read the October 2019 Group and Team Coaching Ins and Outs newsletter here. Coaching is a process of change. Changes take time and involve a series of ups and downs. Likewise, people are probably having lots of insights and AHAs in between our conversational touch points. What can we do to harness this? Community building for your groups. Earlier this year I focused on starting to launch the Conversation Sparker Zone on Mighty Networks. It’s a venue where coaches can come together to focus on and discuss what’s important to them around group coaching, team coaching, virtual conversations and business development. I hope you’ll join us! Be sure to check it out here. In keeping the conversation going it can involve some pre-planning on your part. Consider some of these different strategies:
What are the things you want to do to keep the focus alive for the people you are working with? Best, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. The rate of podcast growth is astronomical. With the advent of Alexa and Google Home devices, audio can go anywhere. From the kitchen, to the car, to our walks. Whether you are hosting your own podcast, or showing up as a guest on others, podcasting is another important potential vehicle for getting the word out about what you do and what you have to offer. Given that coaching is a verbal modality, it’s also a great way to introduce yourself and let others get to know you. Some of the questions you might want to consider when exploring podcasting as a possible vehicle are:
There really is a range of possible podcasting options available. One great starting point to see what’s out there, and who is looking for guests, is to check out the site. If you host a podcast, let us know what it is, so we can follow. If you need guests, let us know what type so guest you are looking for. I would be more than pleased to drop in for a conversation as well, to talk about leadership, teamwork or business development issues from a coaching or virtual lens. Enjoy! Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. As a blogger for more than 14 years now, I am passionate about this as a vehicle for those who like to write and want to be a content creator. Blogging can be a great first step to creating a more regular writing practice. Blogging is often more informal than other writing approaches, and can be shorter in length, with many blog posts ranging from 300 – 500 worlds. Of course, posts can be longer than that, especially if you post less frequently. In addition to written blogs, vlogs - or video blogs – have also become a popular vehicle. Vlogs weave together video in delivery the blog message. From Wordpress, to blogs hosted on your own site, to the old school blogger platform, blogging is a powerful way to become a publisher. If you are considering blogging as one of your marketing vehicles, reflect on these questions:
Connect with others who can spread the word about your blog – There is a rich ecosystem of blogs in the blogosphere. In addition to publishing on your own blog, consider connecting with other bloggers in your community who might be interested in linking to your site and/or sharing your content. One of my favorite community vehicles I used to leverage (which still exist more than a decade later!) are blog Carnivals, where a group of bloggers come together to share content around a specific topic. This is a great way to connect in with new readers/followers and other community members in your niche. If you have a copy of the Coaching Business Builder, or PlanDoTrack, check out the activities in the blogging part of section 3. There are five or six useful questions for you to consider as you go to focus on blogging. What are the key steps you want to take this week around blogging? Writing and blogging are topics we are exploring at the Learning Lab and Design Studio this summer, and it’s exciting to hear about all the different areas people want to focus on. Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. Each month I am providing a series of daily action prompts. The Coaching Business Builder suite is grounded in the notion that "Consistent Action + Daily Steps = Momentum". With this in mind, I created this year's 2019 1 Biz Step a Day series. This month, in July, the theme is Signature Programs! Also known as our body of work, this might include a program, a book, a process. What do you want your signature program or body of work to be? This month, I hope you'll follow along with the daily prompts...let us know how it's going over at the Conversation Sparker Zone I hope that you'll enjoy this month's Check it Off themed 1 Biz Step A Day. You can download it here. Be sure to share with a friend, and let them know about the Planner, and associated resources! Thanks - Jennn Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC Author Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010), From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching, Host of the Coaching Biz Growth Lab(TM) - a coaching group for coaches Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. One of my favorite activities over the last few years has been to create a summer project list of small, and larger tasks, to complete in what some find to be a quieter time. There always are lots of project possibilities in the summer months. Have you considered:
Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. |
Upcoming Programs:
Mentor Coaching Group for ACC/PCC -Mondays 1230 - 130 pm ET: June 7 - mid-September - Reserve your spot. ACC and PCC for ICF Credentialing Program Design Hack - 45 minutes - $97 - Sketch Out Your Next Program in this Facilitated Process! - Click here to Register Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs) - Next group will start Tuesdays on July 6th. Fridays 10 - 1135am ET: June 4, 11, 18, 25 (4 weeks) Virtual Facilitation Essentials (8.5 CCEs) - Join us for an upcoming one day program! Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum - starts - Tuesdays July 6th (5 weeks) (10 CCEs): Focused on providing you with virtual practice and feedback around your group coaching skills. Team Coaching Essentials for the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World. Kicks off Monday June 14th 60 Day CBB Accelerator - Now as an On-demand Program.Bonus! This month's 1BizStepADayAuthorCoach Jennifer Britton has worked with entrepreneurs across a variety of sectors since the late 1990s, even before she was in business herself. From supporting micro-entreprise and eco-tourism businesses to working with service based entrepreneurs and coaches, her PRACTICAL and TACTICAL approach to business coaching is ACTION focused, with emphasis on AWARENESS as well. Jenn is the author of the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and planner, and 3 others books related to group and team coaching and virtual conversations. She also hosts the Coaching BIzGrowth Lab, an open-enrollment group coaching program for coaches. Jenn founded her business - Potentials Realized - in April 2004. Archives
June 2021
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