As a blogger for more than 14 years now, I am passionate about this as a vehicle for those who like to write and want to be a content creator. Blogging can be a great first step to creating a more regular writing practice. Blogging is often more informal than other writing approaches, and can be shorter in length, with many blog posts ranging from 300 – 500 worlds. Of course, posts can be longer than that, especially if you post less frequently. In addition to written blogs, vlogs - or video blogs – have also become a popular vehicle. Vlogs weave together video in delivery the blog message. From Wordpress, to blogs hosted on your own site, to the old school blogger platform, blogging is a powerful way to become a publisher. If you are considering blogging as one of your marketing vehicles, reflect on these questions:
Connect with others who can spread the word about your blog – There is a rich ecosystem of blogs in the blogosphere. In addition to publishing on your own blog, consider connecting with other bloggers in your community who might be interested in linking to your site and/or sharing your content. One of my favorite community vehicles I used to leverage (which still exist more than a decade later!) are blog Carnivals, where a group of bloggers come together to share content around a specific topic. This is a great way to connect in with new readers/followers and other community members in your niche. If you have a copy of the Coaching Business Builder, or PlanDoTrack, check out the activities in the blogging part of section 3. There are five or six useful questions for you to consider as you go to focus on blogging. What are the key steps you want to take this week around blogging? Writing and blogging are topics we are exploring at the Learning Lab and Design Studio this summer, and it’s exciting to hear about all the different areas people want to focus on. Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder.
"The best companies never transform to greatness in one fell swoop. There is no single defining action, no grand program, no one killer innovation, no solitary lucky break, no miracle moment. Sustainable transformations [to greatness] follow a predictable pattern of build-up and breakthrough. Like pushing on a giant heavy flywheel, it takes a lot of effort to get the thing moving at all, but with persistent pushing in a consistent direction over a long period of time, the flywheel builds momentum, eventually hitting a point of breakthrough." (Jim Collins, Good to Great). As you think abut your focus this year, what is the one thing you want to do consistently throughout they year, to start generating the momentum Jim Collins talks about. Perhaps it’s regularly focusing on: Writing – What is the book you have in you that is waiting to get out? Is there a series of articles or blog posts? Photography – Are you looking to share more about what you do, who you are, and the impact your conversations are having through photography? Instagram continues to grow in terms of popularity and video engagement is critical. Building community – Are you looking to host a group this year? Life, paid, or on Facebook? Are you looking to network more and build relationships virtually or in person? What would consistent action in creating community look like for you? Speaking – What could a focus on speaking look like for you this year? What topics would you present on? What would the top 3 bullet points be? Who is your audience? If there was one thing you could do consistently every day this year, what would it be? Schedule it in now, and notice what happens! One thing that I'll be doing this year for all 52 weeks of the year is sharing a weekly focus for your business and professional growth called 52 Weeks of Planning, Doing and Tracking. It's a Compendium to Coaching Business Builder and PlanDoTrack. If you have enjoyed reading the CBB and want a deeper, or more bite-sized dive, this is for you! Check out the kick off of the weekly blog posts here. They will be published on Friday morning over at the PlanDoTrack Blog and will be of interest to readers of both the PDT and Coaching Business Builder. Here at the CBB Blog, our attention this month is going to shift over to annual planning, and project management. Be sure to check out the 1st of two January calls on Creating Your Annual To-Do List at my YouTube channel on the Coaching Business Builder Playlist here. The first call is being held later this morning - January 7th at 11 am ET at my zoom room (270-302-0415). Hope you'll drop in and join us! Best, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the November 2018 CBB Book Club Call entitled "2019 Planning. Already?". You can view it here. ![]() In my last Coaching Business Builder Blog post I talked about how important content creation can be to coaches. In wearing our hat of coach, we are not content experts, yet it's often this content expertise that attracts a client to working with us. For example, a leader may want to work with a coach who understands the complexities of their industry or type of team, or a business owner may want a coach who has an understanding about key trends facing their work. In order to "stand out in the crowd" many coaches may opt to adopt a content marketing strategy, podcasting, blogging and/or writing articles around certain topics. For those coaches who are involved in this, check out the Content Creation Section of the Planner (pages 243 - 272) as well as Section 3 - Marketing Essentials, where you are going to find monthly tracking tools to support you, as well as resources to help you consider repurposing. One of the areas I continue to hear coaches enjoy the most out of the Planning Hacks I facilitate, is the space to get ideas on paper which they can go back later to execute. This is especially true when trying to come up with some ideas around content, and blogging in particular. To give you a head start on your list, I share 9 different ideas on page 80. To expand on this list, here are 24 possible focus areas for possible fall posts around whatever your focus is (i.e. leadership, teamwork, business, relationships, parenting....) 1. What's on your bookshelf? 2. Infograph of key research findings 3. Common questions receive around your topic 4. Behind the scenes of how to... 5. Preparing for ____ 6. Evaluating ______ 7. In the spotlight - Case Study 8. Top 10 List 9. What we were exploring 3 years ago on this topic... 10. Where we are going around____ 11. Other resources (TED Talks, Videos, Articles) around this topic 12 Podcasts to check out 13. Converting past blog posts to video (think Lumen 5 or AdobeSpark) 14. If you... 15. 60 second sound byte around this topic 16. A- Z series 17. Guest Posts 18. Frequently Asked Questions 19. Here's where to go.... 20. Here's how to.... 21. Hands on activity people can do themselves 22. Question Prompts around your topic 23. Theme overview of what's been covered, or what is available 24. What else? I hope that this gets your juices flowing. If you haven't done so, pick up a pen and make your list of possible blog posts around your topic. Set a timer for 5 minutes and write everything down. What content have you created already? You might already have articles in many of these topic areas which could be shortened down for a series of blog posts, OR perhaps you've given presentations on some of these topics. How could they become a blog post? Repurposing content you have already created is often as important a strategy of content creation, as is generating new posts. Keep in mind that blogging is just one strategy in marketing, relationship building and business development. What steps do you want to take in blogging? Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton Coach and Author of Effective Group Coaching and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching Join us for an upcoming August planning hack - Dates include August 31 (Month End Reflection and September Planning Hack) Interested in more on this topic? Join me for one of the complimentary Virtual Book Club Calls to go inside the book! Next call is scheduled for Thursday September 6th - Business Habits and Mindsets. Download the upcoming book club call list here. |
Upcoming Programs:
Mentor Coaching Group for ACC/PCC -Mondays 1230 - 130 pm ET: June 7 - mid-September - Reserve your spot. ACC and PCC for ICF Credentialing Program Design Hack - 45 minutes - $97 - Sketch Out Your Next Program in this Facilitated Process! - Click here to Register Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs) - Next group will start Tuesdays on July 6th. Fridays 10 - 1135am ET: June 4, 11, 18, 25 (4 weeks) Virtual Facilitation Essentials (8.5 CCEs) - Join us for an upcoming one day program! Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum - starts - Tuesdays July 6th (5 weeks) (10 CCEs): Focused on providing you with virtual practice and feedback around your group coaching skills. Team Coaching Essentials for the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World. Kicks off Monday June 14th 60 Day CBB Accelerator - Now as an On-demand Program.Bonus! This month's 1BizStepADayAuthorCoach Jennifer Britton has worked with entrepreneurs across a variety of sectors since the late 1990s, even before she was in business herself. From supporting micro-entreprise and eco-tourism businesses to working with service based entrepreneurs and coaches, her PRACTICAL and TACTICAL approach to business coaching is ACTION focused, with emphasis on AWARENESS as well. Jenn is the author of the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and planner, and 3 others books related to group and team coaching and virtual conversations. She also hosts the Coaching BIzGrowth Lab, an open-enrollment group coaching program for coaches. Jenn founded her business - Potentials Realized - in April 2004. Archives
June 2021
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