![]() Part of the tagline of the Coaching Business Builder is that Daily Steps + Consistent Action = Momentum Are you ready to kick off the new decade taking daily steps around your coaching business? The Coaching Biz Growth Accelerator is a 60 day LAB where you will be involved in daily steps and consistent action around your business for 60 days. This is a more immersive dive than my longer Coaching Biz Growth Lab which runs for a year. Since 2017 I’ve been inspired to see the steps, action and RESULTS Coaches have taken as we’ve taken an annual look at developing their coaching businesses. At the same time, as I’ve seen in my business, there’s also something unique about strategic focus and short windows ….Hence - a MUCH Shorter program geared to get you into MOMENTUM, and daily focus, with strategic support for 60 DAYS. The 60 Day Accelerator includes:
Here are the weekly themes, geared to get you into these daily steps and action: Week 1 – Coaching Business Foundations and Measurement Week 2 – Your Internal Ecosystem and Strengths Week 3 – Who you serve – clients and offer Week 4 – Brand and Messaging Week 5 – Product and Program Design Week 6 – Marketing and Promotion Week 7 – Scale it Accelerate and Magnify Week 8 – Momentum and Celebration The 60 Day Program is being introduced for January 2020 at $997 US at an early bird rate available between December 17 - 23rd. Registration increases to $1497 from December 24 - 30th. Last minute registration on December 31st will be $1997 US. This is payable in 1, 2 or 3 installments. Lock in your registration now. Space is limited as this is an interactive, high touch program. We kick off on JANUARY 1st and wrap up 60 days later on March 1st. Benefits of this 60 day accelerator:
As an author and coach I bring road-tested business development resources through the Coaching Business Builder AND decades of experience coaching. I hope that you will join us for this 60 Day Adventure on January 1 2020. Let's kick off 2020 together and make it your most memorable year of business! Can't wait to have you join us at the 60 Day CBB Accelerator! Jennifer Britton Author of Coaching Business Builder (CBB) Prism-Award winning coach and program designer Has helped thousands of coaches develop, and launch their own group programs, products and businesses since 2004. (416)996-8326
Metrics are the heart of any business. Numbers and data provide patterns and insight for those who take time to explore what metrics are available to them. As a solopreneur, or small business owner, it can be useful to take time on a regular basis to track what your numbers are saying. Here’s a quick list of some of the metrics you may want to track:
Questions to consider:
Jennifer PS - Don't forget to join us today - Monday November 18th from 11 -1145 am ET for a special 2020 Planning Hack. Bring your pen and planner and join me in zoom room 270-302-0415. We'll start promptly at 11 am ET. Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. It’s getting to be that time of year to earmark some time for year-end planning, whether it is for yourself, your team or your business. This has become a passion topic of mine for many decades now as a retreat leader, and for the past couple of years, my authorship of two workbook planners – PlanDoTrack (for Remote Workers) and the Coaching Business Builder (for coaches) has brought me more into the landscape of planning on a regular occurrence. As you go to develop your plans for 2020, and perhaps the new decade, it may be useful to segment your planning along the lines of PLAN, DO, and TRACK. First, prepare. We know that planning and preparation can save ample time. An old project management adage is that “ten minutes of planning will save 1 hour of unfocused effort”. Before you go to sit down and work on your plan it may be useful to:
Next , PLAN: As you go to prepare for 2020 planning consider:
Then, DO: Another important part of planning is the DOING. Consider what kind of plan is going to work for you. Are you the type of person who likes to review? Make notes once a week? Take a deep dive monthly? Both PlanDoTrack and Coaching Business Builder includes an undated planner with monthly, quarterly and annual planning pages. You can start using them at any time, and in seeing how people engage with these, it's fascinating to note the different preferences people have around planning. Once you have decided your responses to these questions, consider doing a big list of all the things you want to focus on (projects, tasks and activities) for 2020. Make a list according to your preferred style:
As Drucker is often quoted as saying, “what doesn’t get scheduled, doesn’t get done”. Finally, TRACK: Tracking is another part of planning and productivity success. What do your numbers say Without metrics around a plan it’s hard to know what really is changing. While some may only see numbers as numbers, the value of tracking metrics is that over time you will start seeing some interesting patterns. If this is an area you want to get better at, check out the Monthly Daily Trackers, and Content Trackers in both PlanDoTrack and the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planners (see section 5 - the planners). Questions to consider:
If you are looking for a framework, consider using the Monthly Daily Trackers which you will find in the 5th section of PlanDoTrack or Coaching Business Builder. There are 12 sets of them. For more on metrics, stay tuned for next week’s blog post. I’ll be dedicating it to the topic of metrics. Best, Jennifer PS - Save the DATE! I'll be hosting an open invitation planning for 2020 session on Monday November 18th from 11 - 1145 am ET. Grab a pen and your journal and join us! Jennifer Britton
Coaching Business Builder | Group Coaching Essentials Supporting coaches to grow their business and skills in the areas of group coaching Recipient of the Prism Award for Excellence in Coaching (2016), and i4pL Award of Excellence - Curriculum Design (2017) Contact Jennifer to set up a call to see how her 1-1 coaching or group coaching support can help you move towards your Q 4 and 2020 goals. Phone: (416)996-8326 ![]() Welcome to November! What are your key goals this month? As we step into November it's a chance to focus on PLANNING, SCALING and GROWING, this month's topic in the 1BizStepADay series. This month you are going to be able to engage in prompts around visioning for your business, as well as planning. What's possible for you and your work? This month you are invited to dream a little, or a lot! The 1BizStepADay series includes a daily prompt to get you taking action on a different aspect of your business. Each month has a different theme. We've explored systems check (August), developing your signature program (June), major projects (September) and last month we turned our attention to client outreach. Please join us join us for some daily steps this month with the daily prompts, as well as connect in with some of the November planning sessions I will be hosting, including the complimentary Virtual Book Club call on Monday November 18th - the 2020 Planning Hack! Join me in my zoom room on 11.18.19 from 11 - 11:40 am ET that morning with your pen and paper. You can download this month's 1BizStepaDay list here Enjoy the focus this month! What else is on your daily focus list for these last two month of the year (and decade)? Remember consistent action + daily steps = momentum. How far have you come this year? With best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton - GroupCoachingEssentials Join us throughout 2020 for a focus on your coaching business on Fidays from 3 - 4 pm ET bi-weekly for the Coaching Biz Growth Lab. Focus in on core topics for your business and fun, impactful coaching! Reach out to Jennifer to set up a call to discuss. Phone: 416 -996-8326 There is another solopreneur myth that many solopreneurs may find themselves falling into which is that “I need to be available all of the time”. Boundaries in business are a key part of efficiency and productivity. Being able to switch on and off throughout the day is key in keeping things focused and being able to get the work done. There has been much written about business owners figuring out when they are working ON the business, or when they are working IN the business. As a coach, activities around working IN the business might include:
Working ON the business:
What is the balance of time you want to spend on working IN the business vs working ON the business? In business, it can be important to leave enough time to continue working on the next inflection point. If we get too wrapped up on working in the business, even when we are established, we may find ourselves short of time and focus for sustainable growth. Check out this past CBB Blog post from earlier this year – Boundaries in Business – read it here. What boundaries are important for you to put into place? Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author of the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) and others Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Join us during 2020 and the rest of this year to work ON your business with the Coaching Biz Growth Lab. WE meet bi-weekly for group calls on Friday from 3-4 pm ET. Group coaching, learning and lots of ACTION! Visit CoachingBizGrowthLAb.com to sign up. For the last few months I’ve been focusing on a series around marketing. If you didn’t catch the July and August 2019 posts, be sure to check them out here. For the next couple of months, I am going to be rolling out a new series on Solopreneur Myths. You’ll be able to view them each Monday. They will focus on some of the more common things we hear in the landscape of building a coaching or virtual business at the moment. I’m framing them as myths given that they don’t necessarily hold true. Having worked with thousands of professionals in the last 15 years via my own business and also as a former business studies faculty member I am looking forward to debunking the myths and commonly voiced messages for solopreneurs. We’re starting with the myth of Once is Enough. This holds true on so many different levels for us - from communicating something once, to sharing a link to a blog post only on one channel once, to running a program only once. Only doing something once may lead to us short-changing ourselves! Part of the power of social media, and part of cutting through the noise, requires that we share our content more than once. Take a look back at what you have created in the last few months and consider how you can share it more OR repurpose it. Sharing it might mean that you look to post it on other channels (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram). Repurposing may mean retooling content in a new way – so taking blog content and making it into a video (Think Lumen5) OR bundling blog posts to create a new article or white paper series. If you are a program designer, you will know how important it is to consider recouping the design investment in running a program more than once. Many of my own public offerings have become quarterly or monthly favorites. Some have been around for a few years. One of my longest standing programs is the Group Coaching Essentials program which I’ve been offering on almost a monthly basis since it’s launch back in January of 2006. Consistency is key in making inroads into today’s VUCA worlds, and Word of Mouth and referrals can be a powerful business booster. Where is it going to be useful to explore the myth of Once is Enough in your business? Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. Over the last two months I’ve been spotlighting nine different marketing vehicles you might want to consider incorporating into your marketing strategy as a coach, solopreneur or virtual entrepreneur. They all are valuable in terms of enhancing your visibility and building connections with prospective clients. If you haven’t seen the past posts, be sure to check out those in podcasting, speaking and also product development. Today’s post takes us into the marketing landscape of conferences and trade shows. Depending on who you work with you might consider this one strategy or two. Trade shows are still very common in larger urban centers and can provide a valuable way to “get out” in front of prospective clients and most importantly have conversations with those who could benefit from your skills. Trade shows can be an expensive investment for larger events so you might want to consider partnering with others to show case your skills or thinking about another way to provide support. For example, could you sponsor a meal, insert something into tote bags, sponsor a lanyard. Like other strategies, being clear on your intended purpose – to build brand awareness vs. have conversations with those who you serve - is key for choosing the right vehicle and strategy. Related to trade shows is one of my favorite approaches – conferences. Conferences are an amazing way to connect with your clients and showcase what you have to offer if you enjoy speaking. Building in time to attend other sessions while you are there can also provide invaluable insights into what is truly important, topical and emerging for your client group. If you are considering speaking at conferences, consider:
Conferences can also provide the value of supporting your ongoing professional development. Consider how you might cover both off at the same time by attending, and speaking at, a couple of conferences in the next year. As we round out this series, what are your next steps around marketing? What time have you earmarked for this? Best, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. As we continue along our marketing voyage through section 3 of the Coaching Business Builder’s 9 promotional vehicles, this week we are going to explore lunch and learns, and associations. Lunch and learns have the benefit of bringing an audience to you, without you having to bring them together yourself. Lunch and learns are usually short, 45 -60 minute lunch time (or breakfast) presentations delivered in organizations or associations on a range of topics. They can be a great opportunity to pilot or trial new content. Questions to consider:
Lunch and learns are a great way to expand your repertoire and connect with new audiences (especially if you are delivering a session for an association). Be aware of the time it takes to develop and deliver. With an engagement in the middle of the day, what else can you schedule if you have to travel? Associations and Professional Bodies Associations and professional bodies are another great marketing source. From becoming a speaker at their annual conference, hosting a webinar or attending as a vendor at a trade show, associations are a ready-made community resource of professionals. Activity: What are the associations your clients/prospective clients belong to? What events do they offer throughout the year? How might you connect in and add value to their members? Take a look at what associations and organization around you are looking for speakers. What is their deadline for applications? Pull together a list of possible topics which could be of interest to their audience. What action steps do you want to take this week around lunch and learns and/or associations? Be sure to check out the relevant exercises in Section 3 of Coaching Business Builder. Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. Products can be a popular line of revenue in and of themselves. We’ll take a closer look at this in future months but take a look around at what other businesses similar to yours offer. This might include:
There are many different ways you can go with product development. Do you want it to be:
Questions to consider when you think about products:
Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC - Potentials Realized
Author of the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) and others Join us at the Coaching Biz Growth Lab this fall to focus on your business consistently. We meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month from 3 - 4 pm Eastern Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. Another marketing vehicle many coaches may want to explore is that of article writing. Articles can come in all shapes and sizes – from 500 - 700 words to much longer. Articles can be posted on your own website, on collaborative article sites such as EzineArticles.com. You might also consider becoming a contributor to a larger publication. What can you repurpose? Part of marketing success is repurposing and when approaching article writing you may not have to start from scratch. What is the content you already have that may be leveraged? Have you done a recent speaking engagement? Is there anything from that, that can be used? Could you weave together a series of shorter blog posts into a longer article? Who is the audience? Writing with the audience in mind is key for positioning and angling your message. What is it that you want to communicate? What will they find interesting around this topic? What’s the message? What are the key points of the message? Writing from an initial outline helps to keep an article focused. What are the three to five main points you want to communicate in your article? How clearly are these laid out? What is your call to action? After reading the article, what do you want people to do? What action steps? What research or dialogue do you want them to undertake? What are the things people are searching for? Consider key words: It’s one thing to write an article, another thing for it to be found. In creating a title for your article, consider what terms people may be looking for. Are there key words. Is this a How to…. article or a Ways to …. article. Consider what terms people are searching for. What’s the appropriate length? What’s the best length of article for the audience and publication? Do some research and/or review the submission guidelines. While you won’t submit the same article in different locations, it’s likely you can repurpose some and change the slant of the topic. What do you want to spotlight in your bio? Articles usually are followed by a short bio. What do you want to highlight in that? What are the items you want to spotlight? Article writing can be a valuable approach for marketing. As with any of the other marketing vehicles we have been exploring, consider what is going to be a strategic use of your time and energy. As it relates to article writing, check out section 3 of the Coaching Business Builder for more questions and exercises to gain clarity around your core messaging. Best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. |
Upcoming Programs:
Mentor Coaching Group for ACC/PCC -Mondays 1230 - 130 pm ET: June 7 - mid-September - Reserve your spot. ACC and PCC for ICF Credentialing Program Design Hack - 45 minutes - $97 - Sketch Out Your Next Program in this Facilitated Process! - Click here to Register Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs) - Next group will start Tuesdays on July 6th. Fridays 10 - 1135am ET: June 4, 11, 18, 25 (4 weeks) Virtual Facilitation Essentials (8.5 CCEs) - Join us for an upcoming one day program! Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum - starts - Tuesdays July 6th (5 weeks) (10 CCEs): Focused on providing you with virtual practice and feedback around your group coaching skills. Team Coaching Essentials for the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World. Kicks off Monday June 14th 60 Day CBB Accelerator - Now as an On-demand Program.Bonus! This month's 1BizStepADayAuthorCoach Jennifer Britton has worked with entrepreneurs across a variety of sectors since the late 1990s, even before she was in business herself. From supporting micro-entreprise and eco-tourism businesses to working with service based entrepreneurs and coaches, her PRACTICAL and TACTICAL approach to business coaching is ACTION focused, with emphasis on AWARENESS as well. Jenn is the author of the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and planner, and 3 others books related to group and team coaching and virtual conversations. She also hosts the Coaching BIzGrowth Lab, an open-enrollment group coaching program for coaches. Jenn founded her business - Potentials Realized - in April 2004. Archives
June 2021
Become a CBB Facilitator |