Each month I am providing a series of daily action prompts. The Coaching Business Builder suite is grounded in the notion that "Consistent Action + Daily Steps = Momentum". With this in mind, I created this year's 2019 1 Biz Step a Day series. This month, in July, the theme is Signature Programs! Also known as our body of work, this might include a program, a book, a process. What do you want your signature program or body of work to be? This month, I hope you'll follow along with the daily prompts...let us know how it's going over at the Conversation Sparker Zone I hope that you'll enjoy this month's Check it Off themed 1 Biz Step A Day. You can download it here. Be sure to share with a friend, and let them know about the Planner, and associated resources! Thanks - Jennn Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC Author Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010), From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching, Host of the Coaching Biz Growth Lab(TM) - a coaching group for coaches Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder.
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One of the micro-projects I've enjoyed working on this year is the 1 Biz Step a Day series. Have you checked it out yet? Each month I am providing a series of daily action prompts. The Coaching Business Builder suite is grounded in the notion that "Consistent Action + Daily Steps = Momentum". With this in mind, I created this year's 2019 1 Biz Step a Day series. This month, in April, the theme is Check it Off! Given that this month marks the 15th Anniversary Celebrations of my business Potentials Realized, I've grown accustomed to, and look forward to, the satisfaction of "checking things off" my list for the business, knowing that somehow it keeps moving things along. I hope that you'll enjoy this month's Check it Off themed 1 Biz Step A Day. You can download it here. Be sure to share with a friend, and let them know about the Planner, and associated resources. This month at the Coaching Biz Growth Lab, we're turning our attention to Content Creation (which will be next month's 1 Biz Step a Day focus). Hope you'll join me for this interactive coaching group where we come together twice a month for learning on key biz topics and ACTION on your business. Learn more here and reserve your spot. Join me this month for further posts on topics related to building your own signature program - a hot topic we've been exploring this winter and spring at both the Coaching Biz Growth Lab. and the Learning Lab and Design Studio. If you've been following along with the other 1 Biz Step a Day series, what have you enjoyed the most? What momentum have you noticed? What successes have you had? Be sure to join us for the monthly 15th anniversary newsletter which will go out later this week. It will include several goodies and also savings! Sign up here for downloads, special coaching options and product bundles. Enjoy! Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC Author Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010), From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching, Host of the Coaching Biz Growth Lab(TM) - a coaching group for coaches Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. Welcome to March! For many, spring is just around the corner, but not here yet. As we step into a new month, what are your key business goals? What do you want to make sure you complete by the end of the month? What is important to put into place? What is the daily action, and consistent steps you want to take to build your momentum? Today marks the start of the 3rd monthly installment of the 1 BizStep a Day. This month, I'm supporting you through daily prompts around marketing. Imagine what 15 minutes of action each day around marketing could look like for your programs and work? Be sure to download this month's prompts for the 1 Biz Step a Day! Click here to Download. Enjoy and be sure to share your action and successes via photos with us on Instagram (#1bizstepaday). You can also share over at the Conversation Sparker Zone at Mighty Networks. I've set up this social community for those that want to explore Coaching Business Development, Virtual and Remote Team Issues, Team and Group Coaching. Sign up for one, or all, of your interest areas. With best wishes, Jennifer Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC Supporting Coaches through ICF CCE approved programs, mentor coaching, individual coaching and the CoachingBizGrowth Lab Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Spring 2019 programs are starting later this month including: Mentor Coaching Group for ACC/PCC (10 hours) - Starts Friday March 29th at 11 30 am ET (4 spots open) Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs) - Fridays 10:15 - 11:30 am ET: March 22, 29, April 5, 12, and 26 Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum: Fridays 1 - 2:15 pm ET: March 29- early May (no call 4/19) (Being renewed for 10 CCEs) Hope you will join us! For many years in my former life and work within the global sector as a Program Manager, I was involved in recruitment and hiring people for projects large and small. At one point in my career I realized that I had undertaken several hundred interviews to fill roles on projects in one year alone! A key part of finding good people for project and work, goes back to being clear on what the role is, and being excellent in communicating that. In building your team, getting better at defining roles and even writing position descriptions is imperative. This holds true for project roles, sub-contracting roles, as well as full time roles. Questions to consider as you go about creating position descriptions are:
Note that job description/position descriptions may vary from location to location and can have different legal requirements. Be sure to reach out to your local Small Business Centers for more information on local level realities. Best wishes, Jennifer PS – A reminder that this month’s 30 days focus in the 1BizStepaDay series is around Relationships. Download a copy of the 1BizStepaDay series here. What are the daily actions you are taking to build your relationships during this month of February? Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Looking for regular support around growing your coaching business? Join me and a small group of other coaches twice a month at the Coaching Biz Growth Lab. We meet on Fridays from 3-4 pm ET (weeks 1 and 3 of the month) to explore topics related to growing your coaching business. February's focus is on Collaboration and Building Community. Coaches take part in 2 group coaching calls each month and have access to a growing resource library of month articles, templates and recordings related to your business. There comes a time (or many times) when we are challenged to think about our business models. How is it working? What changes are needed? One of the inflection points you may see in your business is the need to build your own team. I’d like you to return back to your vision for this year. What are the major projects you have planned? Who can help you get there – quicker, faster, better? Building your own team takes effort, especially while you are bringing people on board. You’ll want to consider things like:
I’ll be sharing another few posts around the area of growing your own team in the next month. Next week we turn to creating job descriptions for team members. Enjoy Jennifer PS – A reminder that this month’s 30 days focus in the 1BizStepaDay series is around Relationships. Download a copy of the 1BizStepaDay series here. What are the daily actions you are taking to build your relationships during this month of February? Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Looking to grow your coaching business this year? Check out the Coaching BizGrowth Lab. We meet the 1st and 3rd weeks of the month for 1 hour group coaching conversations. Focus this month is on collaboration and building community. In addition to the group calls you have access to a growing resource library of monthly articles, templates and recordings. Join us this quarter or for the rest of the year! Last week’s post kicked off our focus this month (February) on relationships. This week I’d like you to think about WHO is in your web of relationships. As solopreneurs, it’s very easy to think we are “solo”, or alone, when in fact, throughout the day we may be interfacing with a wide variety of others. For this week’s activity, consider these questions:
Once you capture people you have in your network, then ask: Who else would you like to add to your network? Consider:
Enjoy your relationship mapping work! Jennifer PS – A reminder that this month’s 30 days focus in the 1BizStepaDay series is around Relationships. Download a copy of the 1BizStepaDay series here. What are the daily actions you are taking to build your relationships during this month of February? Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Check out the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series of daily prompts for your work and business over on Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder. As we step into the month of February, our focus is going to shift to the realm of relationships. Collaboration in all its forms is essential to a thriving coaching business. On the client level, we are always partnering, and developing deep relationships with our clients. In fact, this partnership is the foundation for successful coaching. If trust and connection is not present, it’s unlikely that a client will be open to discussing their ideas. While prospective clients may first find us on social media, the next step is usually a call to check for “fit” and that we are the best support for their needs. Consider what you are doing to build trust and connection with your clients, and prospective clients. We may also be partnering with others in our industry – with other coaches who we might work with in a variety of ways. This might entail designing and co-leading programs together or bringing others on board through a sub-contracting relationship. Consider how you are partnering with others in our industry, or related industries this year. Make a list of this. If we are a solopreneur coach, enlisting others to help us round out our skill set helps us accomplish tasks me may not have skills in – from accounting to graphic design. Who are the service professionals you’d like to build relationships with to help you with your business? As a solopreneur, relationships are critical for success. Consider these ways we may be working with, and through others:
Enjoy! Jennifer PS – A reminder that this month’s 30 days focus in the 1BizStepaDay series is around Relationships. Download a copy of the 1BizStepaDay series here. What are the daily actions you are taking to build your relationships during this month of February? Jennifer Britton, PCC, CPCC
Author multiple books including the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner (2018), Effective Group Coaching (2010) Potentials Realized Phone: 416-996-8326 Looking for daily prompts to support you with your work? Join me over on Instagram for daily questions to get you thinking about, and taking action on, your work and business. Check out the @CoachingBizBuilder feed here. Check out the November 2018 CBB Book Club Call entitled "2019 Planning. Already?". You can view it here. Consistent action on your business can be as important in your business in year 15 as it is in year one. One of the key principles of the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and planner is that: Consistent Action + Daily Steps = Momentum With that in mind, last month I started a new monthly series here at the CBB blog called the 1 BizStepADay. Last month's focus was on some of the core elements and systems of your business. This month's focus for February is around relationships. I would like to invite you to download this month's resource - a suggested prompt for you to follow every day of the month. I've had a number of emails from people saying that they appreciate the prompts. Each one is intended to be a short 5-15 minute activity you can undertake right away. Notice how they build over time! Download the February prompts around relationships here (in honor of one of February's key events - Valentine's Day. This month we also celebrate Family Day here in Ontario the following weekend). What's important for you to do and explore this month? Enjoy, and let us know what bears fruit for you, using the comments below Jennifer Warm regards, Jennifer Author of Coaching Business Builder (2018), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), Effective Group Coaching (2010), From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching Potentials Realized - Supporting Coaches, Businesses, Leaders and Teams Our Annual Groups are shifting their focus this month : The Learning Lab and Design Studio focusing on program design will be exploring Video-Based Learning) and the Coaching Biz Growth Lab- focusing on coaching business development will explore Collaboration and Community Building in the Social Media Space If you are looking for a budget-friendly learning and coaching support space, I hope that you will consider joining us! The tagline for Coaching Business Builder and PlanDoTrack is "Daily Steps + Consistent Action = Momentum". Over the last few decades I have seen as a coach, and in my former work as a program manager, how small steps every day, really add up for businesses of all sizes - micro-enterprise, solopreneurs, and larger businesses.
With this in mind, this year I'm hosting a new social challenge I'm calling 1 Biz Step a Day. Each month I'm offering daily prompts to support you to get into small steps around your business. Let's see what consistent actions it leads to and what momentum it creates! I hope that you will follow along and share your progress, not only here at the blog, but also over on Instagram at @CoachingBizBuilder and the Effective Group Coaching Facebook Page. Download a copy of the 1 Biz Step a Day for January here. The focus is on business fundamentals - communication, systems and other basics. Putting the foundations in order helps move things more quickly, later in the year. ENJOY! Jennifer PS - Later this week I'll be kicking off another year-long project you will probably be interested in. It's a 52 Week planning series I'll be sharing over at my sibling "PlanDoTrack" Website. I'm calling it the 52 Weeks of Planning, Doing and Tracking. Consider it a weekly compendium to the Coaching Business Builder and PlanDoTrack Workbooks - structured activities and prompts to get you working through your workbook and planner. First prompt will be Friday at 6 am! Read more about it here. Best wishes for 2019, Jennifer Britton Author of Coaching Business Builder (2018), Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), Potentials Realized - Supporting Coaches, Businesses, Leaders and Teams Is 2019 your year to take it ahead? Join me for one of our two annual groups - The Learning Lab and Design Studio (focusing on program design) or the Coaching Biz Growth Lab (focusing on coaching business development) Phone: 416-996-8326 |
Upcoming Programs:
Mentor Coaching Group for ACC/PCC -Mondays 1230 - 130 pm ET: June 7 - mid-September - Reserve your spot. ACC and PCC for ICF Credentialing Program Design Hack - 45 minutes - $97 - Sketch Out Your Next Program in this Facilitated Process! - Click here to Register Group Coaching Essentials (8.75 CCEs) - Next group will start Tuesdays on July 6th. Fridays 10 - 1135am ET: June 4, 11, 18, 25 (4 weeks) Virtual Facilitation Essentials (8.5 CCEs) - Join us for an upcoming one day program! Advanced Group and Team Coaching Practicum - starts - Tuesdays July 6th (5 weeks) (10 CCEs): Focused on providing you with virtual practice and feedback around your group coaching skills. Team Coaching Essentials for the Virtual, Remote and Hybrid World. Kicks off Monday June 14th 60 Day CBB Accelerator - Now as an On-demand Program.Bonus! This month's 1BizStepADayAuthorCoach Jennifer Britton has worked with entrepreneurs across a variety of sectors since the late 1990s, even before she was in business herself. From supporting micro-entreprise and eco-tourism businesses to working with service based entrepreneurs and coaches, her PRACTICAL and TACTICAL approach to business coaching is ACTION focused, with emphasis on AWARENESS as well. Jenn is the author of the Coaching Business Builder Workbook and planner, and 3 others books related to group and team coaching and virtual conversations. She also hosts the Coaching BIzGrowth Lab, an open-enrollment group coaching program for coaches. Jenn founded her business - Potentials Realized - in April 2004. Archives
June 2021
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