Heart of Coaching 2019 - 19 Productivity and Business Tips for Your Coaching Business
Is 2019 your year to grow your coaching business? Move from part time "side hustle" to full time business owner OR Expand Your 5 figure business to 6 or more? Coaching Business Builder Author, Jennifer Britton, is sharing with you a 21 page e-book to support you in taking action on building your coaching business. These 19 tips and related activities cover a range of essential coaching business areas from 5 Essential Systems, to time management and email management. During this year's Heart of Coaching Give Away, join us for this special 21 page e-book,Each of the 19 tips for this year's Heart of Coaching GiveAway includes:
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The Heart of Coaching Giveaway runs from January 30- ending at midnight EST. All "The Heart of Coaching Giveaway" contributors are independent business owners, and are operating with, but SEPARATELY from the "Heart of Coaching Giveaway" promotion.This year as part of the Heart of Coaching Giveaway, Jennifer Britton is pleased to giveaway a 21 page ebook covering 18 different productivity and business tips for your growing your coaching business.